Marcelo Reyes Prize Basis |
The Marcelo Reyes prize in Time Series Econometrics is created to promote the work in the time series econometrics field, especially amongst young researchers.
The Marcelo Reyes prize is primarily targeted to Master and PhD students, and also young scholars of comparable age. Participants should not yet have reached the age of 40 years on 1 May of the year of the conference. In case of multi-authored papers, this age limit does not apply to all authors. Each individual participant is only allowed to submit one paper (as first author or co-author). None of the participants is supposed to have a senior position. All submissions have to be written in English. The prize winner will receive € 200. Exceptionally, a second prize may also be awarded, comprising € 100, when the quality of the papers advises the committee to do it. In case of multiple first prize or second prize winning papers, the monetary rewards will be split equally (over papers). The registration fee will be also waived to all the prize winners. Those interested in the Marcelo Reyes Prize can indicate this when submitting their papers. They should explicitly confirm to be aged below 40 and that do not have a senior position at a university. The full paper should be submitted before the deadline, using the standard procedures of paper submission for the workshop. |
phone |
+34 976 76 22 21
address |
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Gran Vía, 2, 50005 Zaragoza, Spain |